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Emergency Information

Emergency Preparedness and Procedures For F-1  and J-1 Students
How to stay prepared as an international student at Gallaudet University
  1. Sign up for the Bb Connect Emergency Communications / Alert System for emergency notifications using these instructions. 
    1. Emergency communications typically include information about school delays and closings due to inclement weather. They also provide speedy distribution of information about serious or dangerous situations happening on or around campus, and instructions for what to do to remain safe in those situations.
    2. You will be able to add or delete phone numbers and email addresses, add text messaging, and even turn off certain types of notifications. 
  2. Add Emergency Phone Number (All Off-Campus Emergencies) to Contacts: 911.
  3. Remember Flashing Blue Lights at Blue Emergency Button Stations are located all across campus, including residence halls and every floor of the parking garages.  
  4. Utilize Safe Walk Service to assure your safety while walking from one building to another or to your vehicle when it is dark outside. The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will gladly assign a Public Safety Officer or student assistant to escort you. Security escorts do not go off-campus. 
  5. You can also use our Personal Safety Check if you are working or studying late in an office or study area. A member of DPS will stop by and check on you periodically, if requested. These services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: (202) 651-5555 (voice/videophone), or by pager at
  6. Review our Basic Guidelines to be prepared on how to approach an emergency situation and our recommendations for your basic personal Emergency Kit
  7. Store important documents in a safe place where you can easily access them in case of an emergency.  These documents include your passport, student visa, and I-20 (F-1) or DS-2019.
    1. It is also a good idea to make copies of these documents and store the copies in a separate secure location.
  8. Use emergency preparedness resources. Several government agencies and other organizations in the U.S. have free resources related to natural disaster preparedness.
    1. Organizations where you can find more information include the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management, the National Weather Service, and the American Red Cross.

On-Campus Resources
  1. Department of Public Safety (DPS)
  2. Reporting Sexual Assault and Violence
  3. Student Health Services
  4. Counseling and Psychological Services
  5. Office for Students with Disabilities (OSWD)